When an Employee Feels Underpaid
Salary is the most important tangible benefit the employee earns, it also represents a direct motivation to him towards creativity, it is an obsession for the employee and employer alike; for the employer salary is an expense and on the other side for the employee, it is an essential right and an important mean of livelihood. Therefore, Salary is always an area of discussion and tension between the two parties. In general salary is considered a crucial factor in achieving career and professional satisfaction which would motivate the employee to deliver his best for the organization.
Subsiding wage is an important staff incentive for more creativity, as when the employee feels that he doesn’t find the satisfactory corresponding for his work affects directly on work motivation, thus would be a burden on the employer. Modern economic theory emphasizes that wages is the most important resource because the human factor is the lead owner of influence in the production process growth, as the employee dissatisfaction mainly affects quality and ultimately affects the organization’s ability to compete and survive in the market
Employee complacency is one of the main aspects of success in any company, it is one of the crucial elements to bet the competition against its competitors in market
The bottom line is that the appropriate remuneration is the fruit of the employee’s effort and the more the return equals his effort, the greater his sense of satisfaction increase, thus all his energy and effort will be directed to work with reassuring and satisfaction, which would affect his efficiency and productivity positively on production quantity.